The New Jerusalem in Revelation: A Vision of the Future

The New Jerusalem in Revelation: A Vision of the Future

The book of Revelation offers a glimpse into the future and reveals the ultimate plan of God. One of the most intriguing and inspiring visions in the book is that of the New Jerusalem. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the New Jerusalem, including its size, location, and inhabitants.

  1. What is the New Jerusalem in Revelation?

    The New Jerusalem is described in Revelation 21 as a city that comes down from heaven. It is a place of immense beauty and glory, where God himself dwells. The city is described as having walls made of jasper, gates made of pearls, and streets made of pure gold. The size of the city is also described as being 12,000 stadia in length, width, and height.

  2. What is the New Jerusalem size?

    As mentioned in Revelation 21:16, the city's length, width, and height are equal to 12,000 stadia each. This measurement is not only a significant number in Jewish tradition but also a symbol of perfection and completeness. Some scholars interpret this measurement as symbolic, while others believe it to be a literal measurement.

  3. Who will live in the New Jerusalem?

    According to Revelation 21:24, the nations of the earth will walk by the light of the city, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. Furthermore, the book of Revelation states that the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem are those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and have been redeemed by his blood will have a place in the New Jerusalem.

  4. Will the New Jerusalem be on earth?

    Revelation 21:2 states that the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven, indicating that it is not of this world. However, some scholars believe that the New Jerusalem will be located on a new earth, which will be created after the current earth has passed away. Whether the New Jerusalem will be located in heaven or on a new earth remains a topic of debate among scholars.

  5. When does the New Jerusalem come down from heaven?

    The book of Revelation does not give a specific time frame for when the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven. However, it is clear that it is a part of the new heaven and new earth that will be established after the current heaven and earth have passed away. The New Jerusalem is a symbol of hope and a promise of a glorious future for all who put their faith in Jesus Christ.

The New Jerusalem is a symbol of hope and a promise of a glorious future for all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. Its beauty and perfection are beyond human comprehension, and it is a reminder that God has a plan for the future that is beyond what we can imagine. May the hope of the New Jerusalem inspire us to live our lives in light of eternity and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us.

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The New Jerusalem was transferred to Central Africa from the middle East. This is the Sun City Prophetic Mysteries of Africa to begin around Mount Cameroon.


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