20 New Age Practices You Should Avoid

20 New Age Practices You Should Avoid

What are the New Age practices?

New Age practices are typically associated with alternative medicine, spiritualism, and holistic approaches to health and well-being. Some of the most common New Age practices include meditation, yoga, crystal healing, astrology, and energy healing. These practices are often viewed as a way to connect with a higher power or improve one's overall sense of well-being.

The New Age movement has gained popularity in recent years as people seek spiritual fulfillment and alternative approaches to health and wellness. However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers associated with New Age beliefs and practices.

New Age beliefs encompass a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical practices that have been popularized since the 1970s. These beliefs include the use of crystals, meditation, psychic abilities, and a belief in reincarnation and karma. While some people find comfort and meaning in these beliefs, they can also have negative consequences when taken to extremes.

What are the Dangers of New Age practices? 

One of the problems with New Age spirituality is the potential for individuals to become detached from reality and lose touch with practical solutions to their problems. In some cases, people become so focused on their spiritual practices that they neglect their personal relationships and financial responsibilities. This can lead to a decline in mental and emotional health, as well as financial ruin.

There is also a danger of becoming involved in New Age religions that can lead to cult-like behavior and a loss of personal autonomy. Some of the more extreme New Age religions, such as the Church of Scientology, have been known to engage in practices that are harmful to their members.

Examples of how New Age beliefs and practices have ruined the lives of others are plentiful. Some people have spent their life savings on New Age therapies that have no scientific basis or have been lured into cult-like organizations that have drained them financially and emotionally. Others have become so obsessed with their spiritual practices that they have neglected their personal relationships and responsibilities, leading to a decline in mental and emotional health.

From a Christian perspective, New Age practices can be dangerous and go against biblical teachings. The Bible warns against the use of divination, astrology, and other practices that are commonly associated with the New Age movement. These practices can lead to spiritual deception and ultimately distance individuals from God.


What are some examples of New Age beliefs and practices?

Here are some examples of New Age beliefs and practices:

  1. Crystal Healing - the use of crystals to balance one's energy and promote healing.

  2. Reiki - a form of energy healing that involves the use of hand positions to channel energy into the body.

  3. Astrology - the study of the alignment and movements of celestial bodies to understand human behavior and predict the future.

  4. Chakra Balancing - the practice of aligning one's chakras or energy centers to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What are four New Age beliefs?

Here are four New Age beliefs:

  1. All is one - the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected and part of a greater whole.

  2. Law of Attraction - the belief that positive thoughts attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

  3. Consciousness evolution - the belief that humans are evolving spiritually and will eventually reach a higher state of consciousness.

  4. Holistic health - the belief that health and well-being are interconnected and that the body, mind, and spirit should be treated as a whole.

What is the New Age simplified?

The New Age movement can be simplified as a collection of beliefs and practices that aim to improve one's spiritual and physical well-being. While some of these practices can be beneficial, others can be harmful or even dangerous. It's important to approach these practices with a critical eye and to be mindful of their potential risks.

Now, let's take a look at the list of 20 New Age practices you should avoid:

  1. Crystal Healing - the use of crystals to balance one's energy and promote healing can actually open up doors to the demonic realm. 

  2. Colon Cleansing - there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that colon cleansing is beneficial for your health. In fact, it can be harmful and cause damage to your digestive system.

  3. Cupping - this practice involves using suction cups on the skin to promote healing. While it may have some benefits, it can also cause bruising and other injuries.

  4. Detox Diets - there is no evidence to support the claim that detox diets are effective in removing toxins from your body. In fact, they can be harmful and lead to nutrient deficiencies.

  5. Ear Candling - this practice involves placing a hollow candle in the ear to remove wax and impurities. However, it has been shown to be ineffective and can even cause injury.

  6. Energy Healing - while some forms of energy healing may have benefits, it's important to be cautious of practitioners who make claims that are not supported by scientific evidence.

  7. Feng Shui - while the practice of arranging your environment for optimal energy flow can be beneficial, it's important to remember that it is not a substitute for professional mental health care.

  8. Homeopathy - this practice involves using highly diluted substances to treat various ailments. However, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

  9. Iridology - this practice involves examining the iris of the eye to diagnose health problems. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the validity of this practice.

  10. Magnet Therapy - while magnets may have some benefits for certain medical conditions, such as pain relief, there is no scientific evidence to support the use of magnets for overall health and well-being.

  11. Psychics - while some people may claim to have psychic abilities, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of psychic powers.

  12. Raw Food Diets - while raw food diets may have some benefits, they can also lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems if not properly balanced.

  13. Reflexology - this practice involves applying pressure to certain points on the feet and hands to promote healing. While it may have some benefits, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

  14. Shamanism - while some people may find spiritual guidance and healing through shamanic practices, it's important to be cautious of practitioners who make claims that are not supported by scientific evidence.

  15. Smudging - while the practice of burning sage or other herbs to cleanse a space may have cultural and spiritual significance for some people, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness in cleansing negative energy.

  16. Sound Healing - while music and sound can have a calming effect and promote relaxation, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that sound healing can cure or treat medical conditions.

  17. Tarot Readings - while tarot cards can be used as a tool for self-reflection and insight, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that they can predict the future or provide specific medical advice.

  18. Transcendental Meditation - while meditation can have many benefits for mental health and well-being, it's important to be cautious of claims that transcendental meditation can cure or treat medical conditions.

  19. Unregulated Supplements - while some supplements may have benefits for certain health conditions, it's important to be cautious of unregulated supplements that make exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims.

  20. Yoga - while yoga can have many benefits for physical and mental health, it's important to be cautious of claims that it can cure or treat medical conditions.

  21. While New Age practices may have some benefits, it is important to approach them with caution and to be aware of the potential dangers. It is important to seek professional medical advice and treatment for any health concerns and to be cautious of practitioners who make exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims. As Christians, it is also important to remember to stay grounded in biblical teachings and to avoid practices that may lead us away from our faith.
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