How to Cast Out Demons in 5 Easy Steps

How to Cast Out Demons in 5 Easy Steps

Deliverance is a spiritual concept that refers to the process of freeing a person from demonic possession, oppression or influence. The Bible teaches that demons are real and can afflict people, and deliverance is an important part of spiritual warfare for Christians. In this blog, we will discuss what deliverance is, whether Christians can have demons, teaching on deliverance, 5 steps to deliverance, and the importance of deliverance.

What is Deliverance?

Deliverance is the process of being set free from demonic influence, oppression or possession. The Bible talks about demons as fallen angels who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven. They are evil spirits that seek to deceive, torment and destroy people's lives. Deliverance involves commanding these spirits to leave a person's body, mind, and soul in the name of Jesus Christ.

Can Christians Have Demons?

Many people believe that once someone becomes a Christian, they are immune to demonic possession or influence. However, this is not true. Christians can still be influenced or oppressed by demonic spirits, even though they cannot be possessed. The Bible teaches that we should be vigilant and watchful, as the devil seeks to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). Therefore, Christians should be proactive in seeking deliverance from any demonic influence.

Teaching on Deliverance

Deliverance is an essential teaching in Christianity, and it has been a part of the church's history since its inception. Jesus cast out demons during his ministry, and he gave his disciples the authority to do the same (Mark 16:17). The apostles also cast out demons, and it is recorded in the New Testament (Acts 16:18). The teaching on deliverance has been passed down through generations, and many churches today continue to practice it.

5 Steps to Deliverance

Here are five steps to deliverance that can help you or someone you know:

  1. Repentance: The first step in deliverance is to repent of any sins that may have opened the door to demonic influence. 

    Example of Repentance: "Heavenly Father, I come before you to ask for forgiveness for any sins that I have committed that may have opened the door to demonic influence. I ask for your mercy and grace, and I repent of these sins in the name of Jesus Christ."

  2. Renunciation: Renounce any involvement with occult practices, false religions, or anything else that may have opened the door to demonic influence.

    Example of Renunciation: "I renounce any involvement with occult practices, false religions, or anything else that may have opened the door to demonic influence. I declare that I am a child of God, and I will not allow any other spirit to have authority over my life."

  3. Prayer: Pray for God's protection and deliverance from any demonic influence.

    Example of Prayer: "Father God, I ask for your protection and deliverance from any demonic influence that may be present in my life. I pray for your angels to surround me and for your Holy Spirit to fill me with your presence and power."

  4. Command: In the name of Jesus Christ, command any demonic spirits to leave the person's body, mind, and soul.  

    Example of Command: "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command any demonic spirits that may be present in my body, mind, and soul to leave me now. You have no authority over me, and I declare that I am free in Christ."

  5. Follow-up: After deliverance, it is important to continue to walk in righteousness and avoid anything that may open the door to demonic influence again.

    Example of Follow-up: "Thank you, Father God, for setting me free from any demonic influence. I will continue to walk in righteousness and avoid anything that may open the door to demonic influence again. I declare that I am protected by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I will live my life according to your will and purpose."

Importance of Deliverance

Deliverance is essential because demonic influence can have a significant impact on a person's life. It can lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, and other negative effects. Deliverance can help a person break free from these influences and start living a life free from oppression.

Mark 16:17

Mark 16:17 says, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues." This verse highlights the importance of deliverance and the authority that believers have to cast out demons in Jesus' name.

Book Recommendation

For those who want to learn more about deliverance, "Prayers That Rout Demons" by John Eckhardt is an excellent resource. The book provides a comprehensive guide to praying for deliverance and includes specific prayers for various situations. It is a useful tool for anyone who wants to learn more about deliverance and how to pray for it.


Deliverance is an important part of spiritual warfare for Christians. While Christians cannot be possessed by demons, they can still be influenced or oppressed by them. The teaching on deliverance has been a part of the church's history for centuries, and it continues to be practiced today. The 5 steps to deliverance, including repentance, renunciation, prayer, commanding, and follow-up, can help individuals break free from any demonic influence.

Deliverance is essential for leading a life free from oppression, and it highlights the authority that believers have in Jesus' name. "Overall, deliverance is an essential part of spiritual warfare and is a valuable tool for living a life free from demonic influence.

About The Author

humble & Faithful Co.

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