Top 10 Christian Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

Top 10 Christian Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

As a Christian blogger or website owner, you may be looking for ways to monetize your platform. One great way to earn passive income is through Christian affiliate programs. In this article, we'll be listing 10 of the best Christian affiliate programs, including their website addresses, commissions, and cookie durations.

  1. Christian Mingle Affiliate Program Website: Commission: $2 per lead, $30 per sale Cookie Duration: 45 days Why it's the best: Christian Mingle is a Christian dating site that helps singles find meaningful relationships. The program offers a generous commission for both leads and sales, and a decent cookie duration. It's a great option for those in the Christian dating niche.

  2. ChristianCafe Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 40% on all sales Cookie Duration: 90 days Why it's the best: ChristianCafe is another Christian dating site that offers a high commission rate and an incredibly long cookie duration.

  3. Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 10% on all sales Cookie Duration: 60 days Why it's the best: is a Christian company that specializes in audio, video, and lighting equipment for churches. The program offers a decent commission rate and a long cookie duration.

  4. Christian Book Distributors Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 8% on all sales Cookie Duration: 30 days Why it's the best: Christian Book Distributors is one of the largest online retailers of Christian books, music, and gifts. The program offers a high commission rate and a generous cookie duration.

  5. eHarmony Affiliate Program Website: Commission: Up to $188 per sale Cookie Duration: 45 days Why it's the best: eHarmony is a popular online dating site that matches people based on compatibility. The program offers a high commission rate and a decent cookie duration.

  6. Answers in Genesis Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 20% on all sales Cookie Duration: 45 days Why it's the best: Answers in Genesis is a Christian ministry that focuses on biblical creationism. The program offers a high commission rate and a long cookie duration.

  7. ChurchSource Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 10% on all sales Cookie Duration: 30 days Why it's the best: ChurchSource offers a wide variety of resources for churches and pastors, including books, Bibles, and study materials. The program offers a decent commission rate and a reasonable cookie duration.

  8. Bein Harim Tours Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 5% on all sales Cookie Duration: 60 days Why it's the best: Bein Harim Tours is a Christian tour company that offers trips to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. The program offers a unique product to promote and a reasonable commission rate.

  9. Alpha Omega Productions Affiliate Program Website: Commission: 10% on all sales Cookie Duration: 30 days Why it's the best: Alpha Omega Productions offers Christian homeschool curriculum and resources. The program offers a decent commission rate and a reasonable cookie duration.

  10. Humble & Faithful Co. is a new Christian clothing line that will be launching soon. Although their affiliate program is not yet active, they have announced that it will be available soon. This program will likely offer a unique product to promote and a decent commission rate. Affiliate Program (coming soon) Website:
In conclusion, these ten Christian affiliate programs offer a variety of products and services for you to promote on your platform. Whether you're a Christian blogger, website owner, or social media influencer, these programs can help you monetize your platform while promoting faith-based products and services. Choose the one that aligns with your niche and interests, and start promoting today!
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